WorkNest offer a comprehensive range of health & safety services to UK employers. Our reputation is built on unrivalled quality of service, practical support and certainty of cost. Our flagship Retained/Fixed Fee health & safety support service is a cost effective solution for ensuring legal compliance. It is backed by legal expenses insurance. We work with employers to produce bespoke health and safety policies, risk assessments, safe systems of work, health and safety training including e-learning, audits, inspections, asbestos surveys and occupational hygiene.
Industry |
Years Experience |
Education |
Engineering |
Food and drink manufacture |
Manufacturing |
Paper |
Plastics |
Rubber |
Warehousing |
Woodworking and furniture |
Public services |
Topic |
Years Experience |
Corporate manslaughter |
Corporate responsibility |
Ergonomics |
Human factors |
Involving workers |
Managing for health and safety |
Noise |
Risk management |
Transport (workplace) |
Vibration |
Leadership |
Membership of Professional Bodies
Professional Body |
Membership |
Member since |
OSHCR Eligible Since |
Chartered Member (CMIOSH) |
07.2006 |
07.2010 |
Accrediting Institute |
Type |
Qualification |
Date passed |