Online Safety Solutions Ltd are an independant Health and Safety Consultancy that provides support services within the Construction, Historical and Heritage and Event Safety Management Sectors. Operting within Shropshire, we provide a network of experienced, Chartered Health and Safety Connsutants through the United Kindom and offices in the United Arab Emarates. Estabilshed by the Managing Director Mr Jonathan Smith in 2002 Online Safety Solutions Ltd has provided Consultants for numerous projects for many varied clientsand organsiations including Local Autherities, NHS Trust, Property Management Consutants and PLCs. The Event Safety Management Division of the company was established in 2004 at the request of one of our exisitng clients to assist within an annual Fireworks Concert. Since then the company as worked on varied and diverse events within the United Kingdon and the United Arab Emerates including Festivals, Pop Concerts and Sporting and Motor Racing Events.
Industry |
Years Experience |
Agriculture |
Catering and hospitality |
Construction |
Education |
Entertainment and leisure |
Health services |
Local government |
Public services |
Retail |
Tree work |
Topic |
Years Experience |
Asbestos |
Business benefits |
Corporate responsibility |
Falls from height |
Government setting an example |
Leadership |
Maintenance |
Managing for health and safety |
Offices |
Risk management |
Membership of Professional Bodies
Professional Body |
Membership |
Member since |
OSHCR Eligible Since |
Chartered Member (CMIOSH) |
07.2007 |
Accrediting Institute |
Type |
Qualification |
Date passed |