OSHCR Consultant Terms and Conditions
This page (together with the documents referred to in it) tells you (“you” means the individual reading these terms and conditions) the terms and conditions on which we (“we”, “us”, “our” and “OSHCR” means The Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register) offer registration on OSHCR and is to be read in conjunction with our OSHCR General Terms and Conditions and Terms of Website Use (“General Terms”). Links to such additional terms and conditions can be found here. If there is an inconsistency between any of the provisions of this agreement and the General Terms, the provisions of these terms and conditions shall prevail.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before applying to become a registered consultant with OSHCR. You should understand that by applying to become a registered consultant, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
Whilst we will make every effort to keep changes to a minimum, we may make amendments to the terms and conditions at any time to reflect changes in market conditions affecting our business, changes to technology, changes in payment methods, changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements and changes in our systems capabilities. By continuing to use the website www.oshcr.org and any other OSHCR websites and platforms/channels, you agree to accept any changes made to the terms and conditions.
New Consultant Registration
1.1 On application, please ensure all details entered are correct and as detailed as possible as we will use these to process your registration and make contact. OSHCR will not be held responsible for delays in Consultant registration application confirmation due to incorrect details.
1.2 All Consultants, current and new, must update OSHCR should any of your details change. OSHCR will not be held responsible for any missed communication due to incorrect details.
1.3 On joining OSHCR, you will be required to pay your first-year administration fee which is non-refundable subject to clause 4.1. Annual renewals are defined in Clause 2.
1.4 To be eligible for registration, all Consultants will need to meet the following criteria agreed by a network of professional bodies and stakeholders:
1.4.1 You will need to hold one of the following membership levels:
- Chartered Member of IOSH (The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health)
- Chartered Member of CIEH (the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) with additional Health and Safety Qualifications.
- Chartered Member of REHIS (The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland) with additional Health and Safety Qualifications.
- Fellow Status with IIRSM (International Institute of Risk and Safety with degree level Qualifications.
- Chartered Member or Chartered Fellow of BOHS (British Occupational Hygiene) Faculty of Occupational Hygiene
- Registered Member or Fellow with CIEHF (Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors).
1.4.2 You will need to adhere to the following requirements:
- provide evidence of meeting the minimum continuing professional development (“CPD”) requirements relevant to each of the professional bodies listed in 1.4.1 that you hold Chartered, Registered or Fellow status with, as declared on your OSHCR profile. Upholding your CPD with your professional body/bodies, according to their requirements, also upholds your CPD with OSHCR;
- abide by your professional body’s/bodies’ code(s) of conduct;
- provide sensible and proportionate advice; and
- have insurances, including evidence of professional indemnity insurance to cover the nature of your duties.
1.5 If the eligibility in Clause 1.4 is not met at any point during the registration process or during the year of registration, then you will be notified of your declined registration, removal or temporary suspension from the register by email to the email address provided on your registration form.
Registration annual renewals
2.1 Your renewal date will be exactly 12 months from the start of your OSHCR registration. On this date, you will be required to renew your registration by paying the annual administration fee. OSHCR will notify you a total of three times prior to this date with the first reminder commencing at 30 days before with instructions on the easiest way to renew.
2.2 You will be contacted using the details provided by you at initial registration so please ensure any changes to your contact details are notified to our OSHCR Support Centre. OSCHR will not be held responsible for any missed renewals due to incorrect contact information as outlined in clause 1.2.
2.3 We advise that you renew your registration prior to your renewal date as there are no extensions past the date of renewal. If you fail to renew and pay your annual administration fee by the due date, your OSHCR registration will cease, and your entry will be removed from the register.
How to pay
3.1 Paying fees online is the quickest, easiest, and most secure way to pay. Payments are taken through the WorldPay Payment platform.
We accept the following via our secure WorldPay platform:
3.1.1 You must pay all amounts due to us under these terms in full without any set-off, counterclaim, deduction or withholding (other than any deduction or withholding of tax as required by law).
If you are experiencing issues with payment, please contact our OSHCR Support Team on +44 116 350 0700 (UK opening hours 09:00 – 17:00 GMT, Monday to Friday).
Cancellation of registration
4.1 If you wish to cancel your registration, or you are found to be ineligible within seven days of payment, you may apply for a refund by contacting the OSHCR Support Centre by email at support@oshcr.org or by telephone on +44 116 350 0700 (UK opening hours 09:00 – 17:00 GMT, Monday to Friday). You will be refunded the registration amount less a £20.00 administration charge. If you decide to cancel your registration after seven days of payment, you will not have the right to receive any refund.
5.1 Notice given to OSHCR under or in connection with these terms and conditions, shall be in writing and sent to OSHCR at the email address as detailed in Clause 8, or as otherwise notified in writing to us. The following list sets out all methods by which a notice may be sent and, if sent by that method, the corresponding deemed delivery date and time:
- Delivery by hand: on signature of a delivery receipt or at the time the notice is left at the address.
- Pre‐paid first-class post or other next working day delivery service providing proof of postage: 9.00 am on the second business day after posting or at the time recorded by the delivery service.
- Pre‐paid airmail providing proof of postage: 9.00 am on the fifth business day after posting or at the time recorded by the delivery service.
- By email: when it is sent, and a return email receipt is generated.
For the purpose of the above and calculating deemed receipt:
- all references to time are to local time in the place of deemed receipt; and
- if deemed receipt would occur on a Saturday or Sunday or a public holiday when banks are not open for business, deemed receipt will take place at 9.00am on the day when business next starts in the place of receipt.
5.2 This clause does not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any legal action or, where applicable, any arbitration or other method of dispute resolution.
Data protection statement
The personal data that we collect from you and hold is important to us and is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Where we ask you to provide information by which you can be identified you can be assured that it will only by used in accordance with this policy.
Contact for registration applications and queries
Telephone: +44 (0)116 350 0700
Email: support@oshcr.org
Address: The Grange, Highfield Drive, Wigston, Leicestershire. LE18 1NN. UK.
Issues for queries
Should you have any issues or feedback on anything related to OSHCR registration, we advise contacting our OSHCR Support Team by emailing support@oshcr.org or calling +44 (0)116 350 0700 for assistance.
Last updated Jan 2024.